Alchemist School, established in 2007. A co-educational school, it offers classes from Nursery upwards, providing a blend of academic, sporting, cultural, and artistic activities in a high-quality environment. The school itself, located amidst residential clusters, comprises of a spacious building with modern facilities. These include state-of-the-art classrooms, laboratories and library. Alchemist School is affiliated to CBSE with English as the medium of instruction. The focus in Alchemist Schools is to instill in children, a strong sense of values and self-discipline. Hence, Alchemist School strongly emphasizes on certain important values while nurturing and enfolding the others.
- Patriotism
- Community Concern
- Civil Responsibility
- Respect and Tolerance for all religions
- Self-respect and Acceptance
- Respect towards Elders
- Dignity of Labour
- Simplicity in Attitude
- Quest for Knowledge
- Taste for Reading
- Good study habits and Skills for learning
- Self-discipline and Moderation
- Physical culture and Grace
- Politeness and Courtesy